Got something good to add?
AOL IM me:EgocentricMan17

Also visit:
Safe for work? My ass!
(some are 18+ material)

Indy Fed Promotions:
IWC - The International Wrestling Cartel
NWA East - Formerly PWX
UIPW - The UNION of Independent Professional Wrestlers
BDW - Black Diamond Wrestling
FNW - Far North Wrestling
MCW - Mega Championship Wrestling
RoH - Ring of Honor Wrestling
Chikara Pro Wrestling

Indy Worker Sites:
'The Fabulous Firebird' Phoenix
'The Softcore Superstar' Dennis Gregory (no site.. yet)
Eric Xtasy
Shirley Doe
Mark Steele
Harold Potter
Daron Smythe
'The Ghost' Glenn Spectre
Brandon K
'The Colorblind Ref' Bruce Gray
CM Punk
Colt Cabana
Dash Bennett
Chris Hero
Nikita Allanov
Chris Hamrick
'Big Poppa Plump' Kid Cupid

Indy Related Sites:
GLORY Wrestling
JTM's Indy Writeups
Indy Insiders
Indy Messageboard
Kayfabe Memories
The Vest.. for the highest in PLC fashion

RF Video
Smart Mark Video
Mayfield Mayhem
Now bear with me folks.. I'm sure I missed many many
good sites, since I just put this together real quickly
on a whim. So if you notice a site I should have on here,
please tell me the link, and I will gladly add it.
Thanks, and Support Indy Wrestling! - Egocentricman