Home Addition: Exterior Mostly Done
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We're getting there!  The exterior is mostly done. (14 June, 2004)

Here's a front picture - the 2 story addition is on the right side (gabled roof).  We have a cedar shake roof so the new shakes on the right side haven't darkened yet (they'll match the old side in a year or so).  Looks like we need to trim the Cherry tree (on the right) again.

Here's the front & side showing the whole addition including the family room in the rear.

Here's the family room with the windows in it.  The yard is lower in the back so the family room (and the screened-in porch next to it) is raised to keep it at the same level with the rest of the 1st floor.

Another view of the back.  There will be a small, narrow deck connecting the family room with the deck.

Last view of the rear showing the family room door.

Here's an interior shot of the family room.  The bushes show the end of our property, but we have a 3 acre field (owned by the HOA) and small woods behind that which is one of the reasons we decided to add on rather than move.

Finally some pictures of the upstairs.  This is in the back and is Samantha's room which has been extended.  Samantha has a walk-in closet in the left rear.  Rachel's walk-in closet is on the right rear.  See plans for more details.

Here's a view of Rachel's room looking back.  Her walk-in closet is on the right (with Sammy's closet behind that and the door is on the left.  Going through the door is a small hall - turn left to get to the other bedrooms, to the right is a small linen closet (where the ladder is in the picture).  See plans for more details.

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Updated: 01/21/06