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Virginia, Indiana, Ohio
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Doug With 5 Bean Bags (circa 1994)

I haven't done a whole lot of juggling since college.  But that may pick up a bit if Rachel enjoys "helping" me juggle as much as Kelsey, my niece, used to when she was younger.  


bullet An excellent source of juggling information
bulletJuggler's World (aka Juggle) The magazine
bullet My favorite company for things to throw
bulletThe Flying Karamazov Brothers They're not Russian, they're not brothers and they can't fly.  But they can juggle and will make you laugh.
bulletJeff the Juggler Jeff Taveggia's site - We saw him on the Royal Caribbean cruise we took in May 2000.  Excellent juggler who is also very funny (most people would say there is not such thing as a good juggler who is not funny.  But then again, many people would say there is no such thing as a good juggler.)
bulletAnthony Gatto Haven't had the honor to see his show in person, but here is God's gift to juggling.  Checkout the picture on the main page.  
bullet Long list of performers with websites


Updated: 01/21/06