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Virginia, Indiana, Ohio
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Eventually, I plan on adding some Java utilities, etc... here.  I've been creating Java objects (especially specialized GUIs) since 10/96 (Version 1.0.2!).  For now, just some of the best links:

It all starts with Sun:

bulletSun's Java Home Page Sun's Main Java Page
bulletSun's Java Products Download JDK's and API's for Java
bulletSun's Java Developer Connection Java Developer Connection
bulletSwing Tutorials Excellent Online Book For JFC/Swing Components
bulletGeneral Java Tutorials Tutorial Section for All Java Topics


bulletJavaLobby Info, Discussions, Lobby to Maintain Platform Independence
bulletJavaBoutique Java news, tools, discussions

Utilities, etc...

bulletGamelan/JARS The "Official Directory For Java"
bulletjPVM Java interface to the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory's Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
bulletCodeZoo from O'Reilly's books
bulletJavaNumerics Group providing focal point for info on numerical computing in Java
bulletJAMA Java Matrix/Linear Algebra package

Got Questions? Always Check FAQs First

bullet Peter van der Linden's FAQ's - Excellent
bullet Suns FAQ An Excellent Newsgroup
bullet Deja News Power Search to Search Newsgroups

Updated: 01/21/06