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Virginia, Indiana, Ohio
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Visit the Picture Archive for LOTS of pictures before 2003

What's New (Jan 2006):


Christmas Pictures 2005

Added July 2005:


Home Construction is done!  Well the contractors are long done - Doug still has some work to do and promises to have it done before the girls graduate (high school or college?): Home Addition 2004 Picts

bulletIn April, Rachel celebrated her 6th (yes 6th!) birthday with a slumber party.  Nothing like 6 sugared up kindergarten girls (+ Sammy) to keep you on your toes: Rachel's 6th Birthday Slumber Party  Also here's some picts with the family's celebration: Rachel's 6th Birthday - Family
bulletHere's some Easter pictures from March

Added May 2004:

bulletHome Construction! We officially signed a contract on April 23, 2004 with The Gallick Corporation to add ~750 sq feet to our house.  Here's some pictures:
bulletHome Addition Plans
bulletFoundation - Late April / Early May (2004)
bulletFlooring and Walls - Mid May (2004)
bulletRoof and Framing - Late May (2004)

New Mazda 6 Wagon

And here's The Computer Wiz in action:

Visit the Picture Archive for LOTS of earlier pictures


Updated: 01/21/06