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Here's some pictures from 26 May 2004.  Here's the front side with the 2nd floor and trusses in place.  The 2nd floor will be Rachel's new bedroom and it will have a gable roof over it.  The 1st floor is the kids playroom in front.

Here's a view from the driveway showing the existing front with the new front.

Here's the back view showing the new family room.  Note they'll be an oval window in the elevated ceiling to add light.  We're also debating putting another double window in the center (but it will be partially blocked by the TV, so not sure it's worth it...)

Here's the back from the other side (looking back to front)

Inside views of Family room with windows in place

Looking front to back (playroom, study and then FR in back.  Note the interior wall between the study is not closed off yet.  Also there will be interior closets separating the playroom and the study (not shown yet)

Haven't hiked up to see the 2nd floor yet - maybe this weekend!

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Updated: 01/21/06