Doug and Kelly's Biography
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Virginia, Indiana, Ohio
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Doug and Kelly met at Purdue University in 1985 while in freshmen engineering and were married in May 1990.  Both graduated from Purdue in May 1989 with BS's in Engineering (Doug in Aeronautical and Astronautical, Kelly in Electrical) and again in Dec 1990 with MS's (again, Doug in AAE and Kelly in EE).  Both are members of Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society and Doug is a member of Sigma Gamma Tau Aerospace engineering honor society.

In Jan 1991, they were hired by  The Analytical Sciences Corporation (aka "TASC"), which later became shortened to just "TASC Inc" until Primark bought it and then resold to Litton (stay tuned!) which in turn was recently (spring 2001) bought by Northrup-Grumman and placed under Logicon only to then be moved to a new division of Northrup-Grumman called "Northrup-Grumman Information Technology". Add a move from Reston, VA to Chantilly VA and we now have quite a collection of old business cards! TASC/TASC Inc / Litton-TASC / "Logicon-Litton-TASC a Northrup-Grunman company" is a consulting company that primarily performs systems engineering for the government. We've lived in the Northern Virginia area (currently Sterling, VA which is about ~20 miles west of Washington DC) since being hired by Litton-TASC in 1991 and are members of the Herndon United Methodist Church (HUMC) in Herndon VA.

In the summer of 1998, we added "Gypsy" to our flock.  Gypsy is a Blue-Front Amazon Parrot that was hatched on April 20, 1998.  On April 16, 1999, Rachel Elizabeth Frietchen was born and on July 27, 2001, Samantha Michelle Frietchen was born bringing our current flock total to 5.  Rachel, Samantha and Gypsy share many of the same hobbies: playing, yelling and screaming, throwing their food/toys on the floor, taste-tasting anything within reach, etc...

Doug still works at TASC doing spacecraft systems engineering, primarily in the areas of orbital mechanics, spacecraft attitude dynamics and spacecraft control systems. He enjoys designing and analyzing spacecraft orbits, developing GUI-driven aerospace software tools in Java and performing a variety of technical analysis tasks. When not working and not helping take care of Rachel (and Gypsy), Doug enjoys a variety of hobbies including woodcarving, exercising, juggling, hiking, canoeing, playing an occasional on-line game (Chess, Diplomacy, and Illuminati) with friends from high school and college, music, sports, animals, reading and web design/surfing [see the links to the left]. 

Kelly recently (8/00) resigned at TASC to stay home  with Rachel and Samantha.  They both keep her very busy during the day with many outings to various children events in area.  Kelly also enjoys hiking, canoeing, reading, exercising, quilting and a variety of other craft activities. 

Doug and Kelly both enjoy traveling and try to get back to Ohio and Indiana to visit relatives at least twice a year plus (usually) take a vacation outside of the Midwest and Virginia. For our 10-year anniversary in 2000, we took a cruise in the Bahamas (thanks Grandma F for watching Rachel!). Some of our other favorite trips have been to upstate New York, Niagara Falls, Florida, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Palm Springs and Myrtle Beach, SC. For work we’ve also traveled many times to LA, Florida, Dallas, Seattle, Silicon Valley, Denver, and Doug has twice gone to Alice Springs, Australia (center of the “Outback”).

Doug grew up (perhaps not the right term?) in Ontario, Ohio [Yes, Ohio - not Canada nor California] and is a 1985 graduate of Ontario High School.  Kelly (maiden name West) grew up in Bedford, Indiana and is a 1985 graduate of Bedford North Lawrence High School.

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Updated: 01/21/06