Christmas 2005
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Virginia, Indiana, Ohio
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Christmas comes early to our house (12/18/2005). Since we're going to be in Ohio on Christmas day, we cut a deal with Santa to make the trip a week early

Samantha with some of the loot...

Rachel with a big package and in bad need of a brush

Daddy's got the best present of all

Christmas Eve is traditionally spent at Great-Grandma Moore's.  Looks like Great Grandma got a new toy!  She's always been a kid at heart.

The Gang of Four (Ty, Rachel, Samantha & Spencer)

Donna & Ty prepare for battle (battleship that is)

Christmas Day At Mom & Dad F's with two excited kids

Samantha gives Grandpa F some picture taking tips

Emily (Lisa P's daughter - Lisa is Doug's cousin) meet Gypsy, Gypsy meet Emily

The West Women

Nick carefully examines his present.  Nick had a rough year (leukemia) but is doing great now!  We're soooo proud of him.

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Updated: 01/21/06