Diplomacy Game 2000 #1
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Diplomacy Game #1, 2000: Final Board (Spring 1908)
*** Joint Victory for Turkey and France Proposed and Accepted ****

Gameboard by RealPolitik


bulletEngland - Feeeeeeeeeeee
bulletFrance - Moi 
bulletGermany - Lelzi P
bulletAustria - Terry G
bulletItaly - Tom B
bulletRussia - Steve P
bulletTurkey - Scott M

Other Games: 2000 - Game 2


bulletThe Dip Pouch - Diplomacy game portal
bulletRealPolitik - excellent software tool
bulletDiplomacy Technical Guide Technical players guide
bulletStandard Map Good empty map
bulletRichard Sharp's "The Game of Diplomacy" Excellent book

Back to Doug's Gaming Page


Updated: 01/21/06