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bulletAugust 2000 News
bulletSeptember 2000 News
bulletOctober 2000 News
bulletNovember/December 2000 News
bulletChristmas 2000 Greeting
bulletDecember 2000/January 2001 News
bulletFebruary/March/April 2001 News
bulletMay 2001 News
bulletAug 2001 News
bulletNov 2001 News
bulletChristmas 2001 Greeting
bulletAugust 2002 News
bulletChristmas 2002 Greeting
bulletMay 2003 News
bulletNov 2003 News
bulletDec 2003 News
bulletJuly 2004 News
bulletChristmas 2004 News
bulletJune 2005 News

August 2000 News

bulletWe enjoyed visiting everyone in late July.  Unfortunately Kelly's grandmother passed away the day before we made it to Indiana.  Other than that we had a great time.
bulletRachel enjoys climbing on things now.  Among her favorite mountains: Mt Couch, Mt Coffee Table, and, of course, Mt Momma and Peak Papa
bulletRachel is also starting to say a few things.  Her favorite words: shoes, nose, Gypsy, want/what dat, hat, duck, book, and the standard mom-ma, dad-da
bulletGyspy, not to be out done, has also been working on here vocabulary.  Her fav's: peek-a-boo, hello, bye-bye, good birdie, good girl, good-good-birdie (I guess when she's feeling extra special) 
bulletWe went to see the movie "Space Cowboys".  This movie takes the prize for most technical mistakes relating to spacecraft flight (surpassing "Armageddon")!!!  Basically everything - yes everything - they did was completely wrong.
bulletDon't go on a 5 mile hike in the morning when the weather service is predicting thunderstorms for late afternoon! 
bulletKelly quit TASC to stay home with Rachel full time.
bulletDoug's getting his #$@* kicked in Diplomacy
bulletFootball's finally here!
bulletWe're now proud members of the Reston's "YMCA" which opens Aug 29th
bulletDoug is trying to learn acoustical guitar having recently purchased a Martin 000-15
bulletThe newly installed back-up sump pump has already saved us from another flood in the basement (the floods are still winning 4-1)
bulletBirthdays - Doug 8/16, Kelly 8/19 [Where's our gifts?]
bulletAnniversaries - Mom and Dad F 8/14

September 2000 News

bulletRachel continues to improve her vocabulary.  One of her new favorite sayings is "tickle-tickle".  She squeezes both hands back and forth and wants you to tickle her.  She also tries to tickle you while she says it.
bulletRachel is also fluent in either Arabic or Chinese, but I'm not sure which?
bulletRachel is still climbing and finding her way into more and more things (imagine that).  So far the fence has kept her out of Gypsy's territory, but it's only a matter of time...  She has once figured out a way to craw under a chair and get to Gypsy's cage, but seems to have forgot this...
bulletWe've been enjoying the YMCA.  Free babysitting 2 hours/day (you have to stay on the premises).  Rachel likes the pool, but is a little afraid.  Soon we'll all be in tip-top shape in time to pig-out for the holidays ;)
bulletThe Olympics aren't as much fun when you know most of the results ahead of time! 
bulletWe visited the Maryland Renaissance Festival a couple of weeks.  Didn't catch too many shows this time as Rachel doesn't like to sit still much.  But she seems to enjoy it.  Might go back later in the fall to see some more shows. 
bulletDoug's still getting his #$@* kicked in Diplomacy
bulletGypsy is fine and well, but needs her fingernails filed down.  Last time we took her to a vet, he used a "Dremel" (high speed drill) with a rotary sander bit to file them down.  But we'll probably do it ourselves (carefully!) Any volunteers to help hold her?
bulletGot the garage cleaned out.  Forgot how big it really is once you get all that garbage out of it! 
bulletMom and Dad F are back from their Europe trip.  Sounds like they had lots of fun.
bulletDoug has been busy at work on some orbits related work.  Kelly and Rachel have a very full schedule of classes, play-dates, etc... 
bulletDoug has finally ordered some paints and will soon begin ruining his carvings ;) [those that weren't already ruined by the knife.]
bulletKelly has started Rachel's Halloween costume
bullet2 thumbs up for the movie "Almost Famous" 
bulletDoug is still tearing up his fingers on the guitar
bulletDoug and Kelly are looking forward to some new tunes:
bulletNew Paul Simon album: You're the One to be released 10/3/00
bulletNew U2 album:  All That You Can't Leave Behind to be released in US in late Oct 00
bulletNorthern Virginia Carvers' annual show is on 10/21-10/22 
bulletBirthdays - Great Grandma Moore (9/15), Mom F (10/31)

October 2000 News

bulletWe saw Paul Simon perform a free concert (for a charity event) on the "Mall" in downtown DC .  He played for a little over an hour and was great.  Rachel has now been to 2 Paul Simon concerts - not bad for only 18 months old!
bulletRachel continues the "tickle-tickle" game. She squeezes both hands back and forth and wants you to tickle her.  She also tries to tickle you while she says it.  She also enjoys playing ring-around-the-rosy.
bulletWe're still going to the YMCA.  Must be a new record for us in exercising.  Free babysitting 2 hours/day (you have to stay on the premises).  
bulletTom B put Doug out of his misery in Diplomacy with a good "stab"
bulletGypsy is fine and well and survived the semi-annual feather trimming (as did Doug!)
bulletCongratulations to Ray and Lorie Bovaird on the birth of Allison Kay on 9/30/2000
bulletRemoved a dead tree in the back (the pine tree).  Anyone want it?
bulletRachel's Halloween costume is about finished
bulletDoug is still tearing up his fingers on the guitar
bulletDoug and Kelly are looking forward to/enjoying some new tunes:
bulletNew Paul Simon album You're the One is good 
bulletNew U2 album:  All That You Can't Leave Behind to be released in US in late Oct 00
bulletNorthern Virginia Carvers' annual show is on 10/21-10/22 
bulletBirthdays - Mom F (10/31)

November/December 2000 News

bulletRachel enjoyed Halloween as a "Leaf Monster".
bulletNovember was busy, busy, busy traveling:
bullet1st weekend of Nov: Doug's 15 year class reunion.  Great turnout!
bullet2nd weekend of Nov: Kelly and Rachel fly to Indiana to spend time with her parents.  They then drive to Kentucky for a family reunion.
bullet3rd weekend of Nov: Kelly and her parents drive to Ohio to drop Rachel off with Grandma F for a week.  Kelly flies back to Virginia.
bullet4th weekend of Nov: Thanksgiving.  Doug, Kelly and Gypsy drive to Ohio and then return.
bulletWith all the traveling and babysitters, we've seen quite a few movies this month (most pretty good, some OK): Blair Witch 2 (Doug saw), Legend of Bagger Vance (Kelly saw), The 6th Day (Doug saw), Remember the Titans, Pay it Forward, Unbreakable
bulletDecember has been more relaxing as we try to settle back into our routine for a few weeks.
bulletDoug is back in the Diplomacy game as England as Terry has been very busy traveling.
bulletBirthdays - Nick W Nov 13, Mom W Dec 23rd

Christmas 2000 Greeting

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, 
New Century and New Millenium
from Doug, Kelly, Rachel, ???, Gypsy, and the "Leaf Monster"

Hello!  We hope this holiday season finds you well.  It has been quite a busy year for us, full of amazing changes as Rachel (and all of us) continue to grow and learn.  With our advancing age, it’s hard for us to remember all that happen these last 12 months, but here’s a snap shot of our perception of the last year:

January found Doug in France leading an assault on Germany and later both Italy and England in an attempt to dominate all of Europe.  Actually, he started playing a game called “Diplomacy” via email with a bunch of friends from high school and college.

In March, we took a short trip to Lancaster, PA.  We got together with Doug’s Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bill, did some sightseeing of Amish country, and attended a woodcarving show (one of Doug’s hobbies du jour).  Gypsy (our Amazon Parrot) also enjoys carving (watch for them on “EBay” soon) but she had to stay home.  Rachel took her first official solo steps in the hotel room where we stayed!  Like most parents, we captured this milestone on film with the camcorder.  Now, of course, she runs through the house screaming, giggling, etc. and we think nothing of it.

Rachel celebrated her 1st birthday in April with a cookout.  We were fortunate to have beautiful weather and the company of several out-of-town guests (her grandparents, great grandma Moore, Aunt Donna, Uncle Arch, and cousin Tyler)!

In May, we celebrated our 10th anniversary with a Caribbean Cruise.  While Grandma and Grandpa Frietchen kept Rachel (and Gypsy), we sailed to Nassau, Coco Cay, Key West, and Miami aboard a Royal Caribbean vessel.  It was great going from port to port without having to plan the transportation.  We enjoyed the many activities on and off the ship, especially the dining.  To Kelly’s surprise, Rachel did survive without her and had a great visit in Ohio.

July brought us back to the Midwest to celebrate Logan Tyler Pope’s (nephew on Doug’s side) 1st birthday.  We all went to the Toledo Zoo, ate cake, chased balloons, and enjoyed this occasion.  Then we made our way to Indiana to see Kelly’s family and attend her 15th year class reunion.  Sadly, a day or two before our arrival in Indiana, Kelly’s grandmother lost her battle with breast cancer.  She was in her early seventies and had several rough years with late stages of diabetes, cancer, and other health concerns.  She was a strong, independent, and passionate woman, many traits passed on to my mother.  During this visit, our home in Virginia, unbeknownst to us, was assaulted by a hailstorm that would later result in the replacement of our roof and siding (aka winning the homeowner’s lottery).

Also in late July, Kelly officially quit her job at TASC where she worked for the nine years prior to Rachel’s birth as a communications systems engineer on a government program.  Eventually she plans to return to some kind of (paying) work, but for now she enjoys being tormented by Rachel and Gypsy in the privacy of our home.

We celebrated our birthdays in August by joining the newly built YMCA in Reston, VA.  Actually Doug bought a guitar while Kelly signed everyone up for the “Y”.   The free (to members) childcare means Rachel interacts with other babies and toddlers, while Doug and Kelly abuse the exercise equipment.  And yes, Doug actually enjoys the exercising so far.  Or maybe he enjoys being able to listen to the Discman while watching 6 TVs at once!  Kelly also started a Yoga class that she loves and takes Rachel “swimming” about once every few weeks.  It has been good for the whole family (except Gypsy, who’s stuck at home guarding the house).

November was a month of travel, starting with Doug’s 15th year class reunion in Ontario, Ohio. He enjoyed seeing his classmates and looks forward to doing it again in five years.  Next, Rachel and Kelly were off to Kentucky to attend the West family (Kelly’s Dad’s side) reunion consisting of a house full of first and second cousins, aunts and uncles, as well as her immediate family.  After the trip to Kentucky, they stayed a few days in Indiana visiting her parents and her sister’s family.  Prior to her return to Virginia, Kelly took Rachel on to Grandma and Grandpa Frietchen’s house in Ohio where all were rejoined at Thanksgiving for a delicious feast.  Remarkably, Rachel again managed quite well without her parents for about a week!  Is it possible that her grandparents are doing a bit of spoiling? 

Last, but not least, we found out just before Thanksgiving that Kelly is expecting!  We are expecting our second (human) child near the end of July.  Coincidently, Donna is also expecting and is due in late July too!  Let the race begin!  Both sides of our extended family are growing in leaps and bounds over the last few years.

Happy Holidays and if you’re ever in the neighborhood (virtual or otherwise) please stop by. 

December 2000 - January 2001 News

bulletWe survived the holiday pilgrimage to Indiana and Ohio for the Christmas holidays. We enjoyed seeing everyone and had a wonderful time, despite the lousy bowl games.  We received lots of good news over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays
bulletIf you haven't heard yet, Kelly and Donna are both expecting in late July!
bulletCongratulations to Mike and Susan Moore on the birth of Christopher, their 3rd child
bulletAunt Jessie is cancer-free
bulletTASC's parent company Litton is about to be purchased by Northrup-Grunman.  About time we got new business cards as I've had the previous ones for at least 2 years!
bulletRachel is saying more and more and beginning to enter the terrible two's with a vengeance.  Her favorite saying is "No".  Ask her most any question and she'll answer "No" and shake her head.  Of course if you try to trick her (not that we'd try to do that) and ask her something that you want her to say "No" to, she won't answer.
bulletBrowns and 'Skins both fired their coaches, guess that tells you how much Doug enjoyed this years football season.  At least Purdue finally made it to the Rose bowl.
bulletSaw a couple of movies: Castaway - OK, but predictable.  Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon good with excellent sparring scenes.

February/March/April 2001 News

bulletDoug has been busy writing software to help him and his gaming buddies to play "Illuminati".  I'd post it, but the installer program is 12 MB due to packaging Java.  Hope to port it to the web later, but must work on some other things for a while.
bulletRachel Turned 2 on 4/16/01.  We had a small party at "Chuck E. Cheese", but we will be celebrating with relatives from both sides of the family in Ohio soon.
bulletWe had an enjoyable visit from Mom and Dad F in March (or was it Feb? time flies).
bulletWe had an emergency trip in March to Indiana as Kelly's Dad had triple-bypass surgery.  We're very thankful that all went well.
bulletShortly after we returned, Kelly's mom was in the hospital for dehydration resulting from severe migraines, but is out and feeling better.
bulletHappy Easter (a little late)!  We're still finishing off the sugar.
bulletHappy Belated Birthdays to: Rachel, Gypsy, Donna, Jenny, Karen, and Dad F (there's probably more - sorry if I missed any!)

May 2001 News

bulletYeah, yeah, yeah - I'm running behind on updating the web page.  I've run out of disk space but have moved the old pictures to my Yahoo account and moved things around.  Hopefully this will be transparent to all...
bulletU2 Concert in Cleveland We road tripped to Ohio to see U2 in concert in Cleveland (DC shows too close to Kelly's due date), to celebrate Rachel's birthday and to visit with family.
bulletRachel's 2nd birthday party (2nd party for her 2nd birthday) was a big success, except that Grandma and Grandpa West were unable to attend due to an illness.  We visited the Cleveland zoo and had a big feast.  Rachel loves to open presents (what a difference a year makes).
bulletWe headed downtown on Memorial Day weekend.  Saw (or more appropriately heard) the annual "Rolling Thunder" motorcycle (mainly Harley's) rally for MIA's and visited the Air and Space museum to show Rachel airplanes and spacecraft.  
bulletRachel's vocabulary and understanding is growing in leaps and bounds, even since the beginning of the month.  She's putting words together to form little sentences and making observations about the world ("Too Dark", "Daddy Night-Night", "Daddy Airplane", "Mommy, Sit Down", "Doors Open", "Socks On", "No Way!", "That's a No-No", etc ...).
bulletGypsy has recently learned a new phrase.  When you say "And this little piggie went ...", she fills in the "WeeeWeeeWeee" and you finish with "... all the way home."
bulletDoug's been very busy at work, juggling 2 tasks at work, plus the usual chaos.  But they're both interesting.  Spent a day in Denver for some meetings but didn't make it to that great steak house we went to last time .
bulletDoug just finished up winning the first on-line Illuminati game he and a few others were playing (via very lucky draws).  We're looking for a couple more players.
bulletWe're happy to welcome Renee Bonner to our extended family. She was born on our anniversary ! (5/19)
bulletAnd finally, of course, Doug spent some serious time working on the web page pictures.  As mentioned above, see the Pictures page.
bulletI'm looking for photos from the Ontario Class of '85 reunion held in Nov 2000 to post.  Please drop me an email if you have some you'd like to post.
bulletThe race is on - who will deliver first: Kelly or Donna?  Both are due in late July.
bulletHappy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there and Happy Memorial Day to all.
bulletBirthdays: ???
bulletAnniversaries: Doug and Kelly - 11 years !
bulletNow Tell Us What YOU Have Been Up To !

Aug 2001 News

bulletSamantha Born: 7/27/01, 07:15 am
bulletWhat a day - It's almost midnight but I promised to put pictures on the web tonight, so here they are!  Kelly either slept through most of labor or had the world's shortest labor.  To make a long story short we got up around 6 am, left for the hospital about 7:15 am, arrived at the hospital at 7:35 am, and Samantha was born at 7:55 am!  Good thing we didn't go through the Dunkin Donuts drive thru!  Everyone is doing great and Kelly and Samantha will probably come home Saturday (7/28/01). 

Nov 2001 News

Pictures Added:

Christmas 2001 Greeting

We hope this finds you well. Obviously, this has been a year of extreme highs and lows in addition to plenty of in betweens. For those of you with short attention spans, here's the short form: heart attack, birthday, birth, birth, national tragedy, wedding, turkey, shopping…

The year began rather calmly with us relaxing and recovering from last year's holiday tour of the Midwest. But the calmness was rudely interrupted in early March with news that Kelly's Dad (Jim West) had a heart attack and needed triple bypass surgery. We were able to arrive prior to his surgery and stayed several long days for his initial recovery. He is doing excellent and is looking forward to retiring from his work sometime early next year. (The exact date still remains unspecified!)

In April, Rachel officially entered the "terrible-twos" after months of practicing. We celebrated with a trip to Ohio for a birthday party with family and a U2 concert in Cleveland for Doug & Kelly. Actually she has had a magnificent year and seems to have passed through this stage rather quickly. Or perhaps she's trying to lull us into a false sense of security? She began the year speaking tersely and has steadily progressed to issuing all sorts of commands, declarations, questions and nearly non-stop commentary on her universe. She's an incredibly social child enrolled in art, music and tumbling classes as well as attending various playgroups. She always picks out a best buddy at each activity whether the buddy knows it or not! She also has a strong connection to her extended family and often begs to get in an airplane or car to visit her cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc…

As many of you know, we are proud to welcome a new member into the household this year. Our new bundle of joy arrived this summer, weighing in around 7½ lbs and measuring 18". After having her around for only a short time, we don't know what life would be like without her. Of course, I'm referring to our new DirectTV system.

OK, OK. As you can see, we've had an even bigger addition to the family than the DirectTV system. We've been blessed with the birth of our second daughter, Samantha Michelle. Samantha was born on the 27th of July and arrived at the hospital shortly after we did. Very shortly. We hobbled into the hospital around 7:35 am, got to the room around 7:45 am and Samantha came at 7:55 am. That's right folks - no drugs, IVs, prenatal monitoring, cameras, etc… and almost no doctor. Good thing we passed on the Dunkin Donut drive-thru on the way to the hospital.

Samantha was a bit fussy the first month or so - probably because her attempt to make the local news was thwarted by some pretty fast driving - but has now decided to make it big with her charming smile and melodic coos. We can scarcely remember life without her, but we attribute that to sleep deprivation.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Rachel & Samantha) are both getting along quite well. Rachel seems to enjoy her new status as "big sister", but wait till next year when Sammy goes mobile. And of course Gypsy, our 3-year old Amazon parrot, thinks she has another flock member to rule over.

Also in July, Donna (Doug's sister) gave birth to her second son, Spencer Austin Pope. Since Rachel and Tyler (Donna's oldest son) are so far apart in age (3 months), we decided to have the second set of kids much closer together (3 weeks).

In October, we flew to Kansas City to attend the wedding of Jenny Moore (Doug's cousin) & Rick Holmes. It was great to get all the little ones together and to see everyone. Flying was a bit of a challenge for many of us between the extra security, extra kids and the start of the bombing campaign on the same day that many of us flew back (Sunday). We seem to have a propensity to fly from Chicago to Virginia when our country first launches major air strikes against our enemies. In Jan 1991, we flew from Chicago -> Virginia the day the bombings started against Iraq in Jan 1991. I predict bad news for some 3rd world country ~ 2011 if we keep making those trips.

In November, we were off Indianapolis to spend Thanksgiving with Kelly's sister's family and her parents. Rachel was again overjoyed to spend time with her cousins. The food and hospitality were excellent. Grandma West got lots of cuddle time with her newest grandchild. Rachel and Nick jumped on beds, chased cats, played balloons, drew pictures, and occasionally interested a very poetic Kelsey (niece in 6th grade who is a big Shel Silverstein fan) in their pursuits. Grandma and Grandpa Frietchen stopped by to see Samantha and Rachel (exhausted at that point) on the way home from a baby shower for Jenny.

Happy Holidays and if you're ever in the neighborhood (virtual or otherwise) please stop by.

Love, Doug, Kelly, Rachel, Samantha and Gypsy

August 2002 News

It's been a while since we've updated the website, so there's lots of new Pictures (about 100!).  Also here's a brief recap on what we've been up to this year:

This year's been busy and is flying by.  In March, Kelly took a trip with her sister to Hilton Head via Indianapolis:  Kelly & kids went to Indy via the train, Samantha stayed with Grandma & Grandpa W while Grandma & Grandpa F drove to Indy to pick up Rachel for a week at their house.  Doug had grand plans for getting some stuff done around the house, but promptly got sick the day after they left!  All met in Ohio for Samantha's baptism and Rachel's 3rd birthday party.

In July, we headed to Toledo for a few days to celebrate Samantha and Spencer's 1st and Ty's 3rd birthday.  All were born in July! Afterwards, Grandma and Grandpa F "volunteered" to watch Rachel and Samantha for a week while Doug and Kelly took a Caribbean cruise for a week!

In between, we've enjoyed visits from the relatives, lots of gardening (or more correctly, weeding), plumbing/flood control, and chasing the kids around the house.

Christmas 2002 Greeting

Happy Holidays!

We hope this finds you well or at least finds you.  It’s been an eventful year for us here in Northern Virginia so we thought we’d share a few highlights; some of which are actually true. 

In March, we designed and implemented our most complicated trip yet: Kelly & kids went to Indianapolis via a train (yes, they still exist), Samantha stayed with Grandma & Grandpa W while Grandma & Grandpa F drove to Indy to pick up Rachel for a week at their house.  Meanwhile Kelly and her sister flew to Hilton Head for a week.  All were sick by the time we met in Ohio for Samantha's baptism and Rachel's 3rd birthday party!

In July, we headed to Toledo for a few days to celebrate Samantha and Spencer's 1st and Ty's 3rd birthday (Donna’s kids).  Afterwards, Grandma and Grandpa F "volunteered" to watch Rachel and Samantha for a week while Doug and Kelly took a Caribbean cruise for a week.   (We didn’t get sick and had a blast!).

Also this summer, Kelly’s Dad retired from a distinguished career of civil service as a Naval Systems Engineer at Crane, Indiana (yes, the Navy has facilities in Southern Indiana).  His punishment: 6 months of hard labor redoing their family room.

This fall we able to participate in 3-week urban combat evasion training course (e.g. how to gas the car and avoid getting shot by the DC sniper).  Luckily, we had another new addition to the family that required us to stay indoors anyhow (new computer).  Thankfully, the snipers got caught before Halloween, resulting in an appearance from a “scary witch” (Rachel) and the somewhat reluctant return of the Leaf Monster (Samantha).

This fall/holiday season also brought more reunion trips to visit the families in the Midwest.  In September, Great Grandma Moore (Doug’s Grandmother) celebrated her 90th birthday in Ohio with a big family gathering.  We’re already planning her 100th birthday celebration.  In November, Kelly’s relatives in Kentucky had a reunion and then we were off to Ohio for Thanksgiving.  Christmas will see us in both Indiana and Ohio (thank goodness for portable TV’s w/ built-in VCRs).

We’ve had some more adventures in home ownership this year.  After years of ‘subtle suggestions’ fr om Kelly, we decided to have a shower redone.  The day and half project concluded a month later.  Glad we hired someone to do it!  Doug has been periodically re-plumbing the house (a.k.a. non-voluntary flood control) and we’ve both noticed an unusual phenomenon causing our house to shrink as our kids get older?  

We also survived a break-in this fall as Doug was able to apprehend the suspect armed with only a flashlight!  OK, actually he also had a bucket and a pair of gloves as the offender was a 12’ python (cleverly disguised as a 6” baby guarder snake) stalking the basement stairs (to the untrained eye, he appeared to be sleeping on the bottom step – but Doug is convinced he was just pretending).  The suspect, having a good lawyer, received probation and was paroled to the garden.

The kids are both doing great.  Rachel is now 3½ and started preschool this fall at our church.  She goes three days a week in the afternoons and especially enjoys music, recess and her teachers and classmates.  Samantha is almost 18 months and is into everything.  She is beginning to speak, bite, throw, climb, run, etc…   The girls exhibit typical sibling behaviors – alternating periods of playing, fighting, giggling, chasing.  Gypsy also enjoys weighing in with her opinion.

With Samantha napping in the afternoons and Rachel in preschool, Kelly has rediscovered the luxury of personal time.  She has enjoyed doing crafts, trying new recipes, talking on the phone, practicing Yoga, even cleaning the house!  She volunteers at church and is active in the preschool parent’s association.

Happy Holidays and if you’re ever in the neighborhood (virtual or otherwise) please stop by. 


Doug, Kelly, Rachel, Samantha and Gypsy

May 2003 News


New Web and Email Address: We finally moved to broadband (DSL).


Rachel celebrated her 4th birthday in style.  She had a Scooby-Doo birthday party for all of her pre-school friends and Grandparents and cousins in from out of town


Kelly's parents stayed with us for Easter. 


We've been busy working on the yard, fence, flower beds, etc... Doug demonstrated how to turn his pinky finger into an extra (purple) thumb using just a hammer and a fence board.

Nov 2003 News


LOTS of pictures at Pictures covering Fall 2002 - Nov 2003!


This summer we spent a week in Mrytle Beach and a week in the midwest (Ohio and Indiana)


Hurricane Isabel Blog contains our adventures with Hurricane Isabel 


In September, we saw Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.  Almost a 3 hour show.  Had a great time!


I'll save the rest of the news for the Christmas letter

Dec 2003 News

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, 
from Doug, Kelly, Rachel, Samantha and Gypsy

This years holiday letter is in two files (requires Adobe Acrobat):
Front of 2003 Christmas Letter
Back of 2003 Christmas Letter

July 2004 News

bulletRachel celebrated her 5th birthday with family and friends Easter weekend - sorry no pictures scanned yet...
bulletHome Construction! After planning and debating for the last couple of years, we finally started our home addition.  We're adding ~750 sq feet to our house (will be ~2200 sq feet not counting basement, garage & screened-in porch).  We officially signed a contract on April 23, 2004 with The Gallick Corporation and have been extremely impressed with their work so far.  Also we've had some good luck with the weather.  Here's some pictures of where we are as of 5/27/04:
bulletHome Addition Plans
bulletFoundation - Late April / Early May (2004)
bulletFlooring and Walls - Mid May (2004)
bulletRoof and Framing - Late May (2004)
bulletExterior Mostly Done - Early/Mid June (2004)
bulletWell one of our cars finally crapped out - just two weeks after we signed our big home remodeling contract!  Thanks to Donna's Ford employee discount we were able to get a good deal on a new Mazda 6 Wagon (follow link for picts).

Christmas 2004 News

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, 
from Doug, Kelly, Rachel, Samantha and Gypsy

‘Twas The Year Before Christmas

‘Twas the Year Before Christmas, When All Through Our Home,
Not a Creature Was Stirring, There Was No Place to Roam;
The Toys Were All Stacked On the Fireplace with Care,
A Kids Playroom Was Needed With Closets to Spare;

The Children Were All Nestled All Snug in One Bed,
Fighting Over Sheets While Getting Kicked in the Head;
Out-of-Town Relatives, Asleep on the Floor,
A New Bedroom Would Help, But Wait - Let’s Add More;

So Kelly in Her Dress and I in My Jeans,
Sat Down at Our Desk to Sketch out Our Dreams;
We Expanded the Basement, Added Rooms Here and There,
But When We Figured the Costs, It Was More Than We Dare!

So Back to the Computer, We Hammered Away,
Only a Thrifty Design Would Secure the Day;
So We Stretched the Family Room and Split it in Two,
Added a Some Bedrooms Plus a Great Room With a View;

We Lined up Some Contractors, to Bid on Our Plan,
And Went With Our Gut, Choosing the Big Irish Man;
Having Finished the Design - Quick as a Snap,
We Just Settled Down For a Long April Nap;

When Out on the Lawn There Arose Such a Clatter,
I Sprang From the Bed to See What Was the Matter;
A Large Contraption Was Destroying Our Deck
Knocking it Around, Rendering it a Wreck

With the Big Red Man Calling Out to Them All,
“On Frankie, On Donnie, On Teddie and Paul,
Order That Material, Tear Down that Wall,
Let’s Get This Job Rolling, To Finish by Fall”!

So Bright And Early They Toiled Each Day,
Never Allowing the Slightest Delay;
First the Great Room Looking So Bold,
We Started To See Our Vision Take Hold;

But With Doug on Travel for ‘Bout a Fortnight,
The Plumbers - A Month Early, Gave Kelly a Fright;
With The Roof Partly Gone, the Skies Looked Stark,
Left Kelly Plugging Leaks, Well After Dark;

When Doug Finally Returned, the Exterior ‘Bout Done,
Meant It Was Time for Us to Have Some Wiring Fun;
Coax and Ethernet Were Strung With Care,
In Hopes a New TV Would Soon Be There;

Next It Was Kelly’s Turn, to Escape the Mess,
Off to Her Relatives, With the Kids No Less;
While Doug Stayed Home to Strip Paper from the Walls,
The Old Rooms Need Painting - Including the Halls; 

One Last Trip for Us All to Escape the Fray,
To Visit Doug’s Family for Sam’s Birthday;
We Returned to Find the Contractors ‘Bout Done,
On Schedule They Finished Their Twelve Weeks of Fun! 

Unfortunately For Us, Our Work Had to Resume,
Two More Months of Painting Ere Putting Floors in Each Room;
And The Kids Must Get Ready to Learn the Golden Rule,
Rachel Starts Kindergarten and Sammy Preschool;

So Most of Our Fall Was Spent Like the Rest,
Laboring Away Attempting Our Best;
Finally We Finished (Well Not Quite),
Our House Almost Brand New – What A Sight! 

So as One More Year, Winds Down to a Close,
It is Time for Us, to Wrap Up This Prose;
But Not Before We Wish You Some Holiday Cheer,
Happy Christmas To All, And To All A Good Year!

Doug, Kelly, Rachel, & Samantha Frietchen

June 2005 News

bulletThis year didn't start of so good as in Feb, Nick West, our 8 year old nephew, was diagnosed with Leukemia.  The good news is it is treatable and he has been responding very well.  This summer will be tough as he's starting a tougher round of chemo in June.
bulletWe're finally enjoying the new addition - lots of little stuff still to do, but we're moving slowly on it.  Follow the link for some picts Home Addition 2004 Picts
bulletIn April, Rachel celebrated her 6th (yes 6th!) birthday with a slumber party.  Nothing like 6 sugared up kindergarten girls (+ Sammy) to keep you on your toes: Rachel's 6th Birthday Slumber Party  Also here's some picts with the family's celebration: Rachel's 6th Birthday - Family
bulletGypsy turned 7 but she didn't get to have a slumber party (don't tell her).
bulletSamantha finished up here 1st year of preschool and Rachel passed kindergarten.
bulletThis summer is the "Summer of Love" as we've got 5 relatives/friends getting married (all out of town). Won't be able to get to all of them but plan on going to 3 of them.
bulletIn May Kelly & Doug saw "Momma Mia" for our 15th (yes 15th!) anniversary.  We also took the whole family downtown to see a Nats game and some museums.
bulletIn June, we saw the Dave Matthews Band for the 2nd time (we saw them last year).


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Updated: 01/21/06